Sunday, September 27, 2009

Giraffic Park

No, she's not Karen Blixen, or even Meryl Streep. He's dashing, but he's not Robert Redford...and they are in, not out of Africa. They are having a simply breath-taking day.

We visited Crescent Island on Lake Naivashu, which was stocked with wildlife by the famous author, Karen Blixen, so the animals would be accessible for filming. Earlier generations of the animals we saw yesterday appeared in the autobiographical film, Out of Africa. Here's just a bit of what we saw and experienced.

First, the good gnus...

...joined by zebras

And giraffes!

An impala graces the horizon...

While a herd of hippos lurk in the lake and
play peek-a-boo with tourists.

We saw the grandmother of all pythons -- well-fed and enormous,
and then turned around and gasped...

At the simply stunning vista behind us.

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