Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gratefully Looking Back

St. Edwin's Orphanage

It's 2011 now and time to slow down and reflect on the enormous privilege of living and ministering in Kenya. Jim and I never imagined such a blessing and could never regret the Lord's leading us there. There's so much we'd love to tell you. To quote a character in The Princess Bride, "Let me there's too much...let me sum up."

We were not only afforded the opportunity to teach and nurture missionary children at RVA, but also give the chance to reach out and minister in Kenyan communities. One Saturday took Gale again to St. Edwin's where she helped prepare the new mattresses provided for the girls by caring people in the U.S.

The orphanage shamba or garden

Gracious hospitality--steaming hot chai

The children share music with us.

Tiny feet in shoes that must last awhile.

And of course, local wildlife. A chameleon and a big bug.

Touring the Caves at Mt. Suswa

Jim, I and some friends were given a special tour by our friend and guard, Sammie. In order to visit the reserve, one had to be guided by a Masai tribal member. Sammie not only gave us a tour of these remarkable volcanic caves, but also fed us a lovely lunch of Kenyan stew and chipatis.

Gale, Sammie, and friends and our "obstacle course."

A Hyrax--this little furry fellow is genetically related to an elephant.

Mount Longonot in the distance

A young Masai moran (warrior.)

Sammie and his family.

A whistling acacia and neighboring giraffes.