Opening remarks, as Jim prepares to speak; John Karanja, seated with Jim on the
On the Wednesday before Christmas, we accompanied John
bench, will translate. The church gathers under this acacia tree.
When you see a great need, it's one thing to want to meet that need. It's entirely another thing to meet that need wisely and appropriately. It is far too easy to go wrong, when you are an outsider, regardless of good intentions. If you're the new guy in town,--if you're smart-- you get the wise counsel of someone who's been around awhile. When our hearts were touched with the needs of the IDP camp, we were blessed with the wisdom of John Karanja and John Njane (In jah nee). They pointed us in the right direction, and they saw that our intentions were carried out compassionately and practically.
John Karanja, has been working with the IDP church and his hard work has born fruit. They are taking ownership of their congregation and serving in this very hard place. John Njane has been working with the youth, the Sunday School, as well as a number of street boys in particular. The Camps are near a major truck stop, notorious for crime, prostitution, and drugs. Children without families are gravely in danger. He has a heart to see these children protected and educated.
Both men welcomed our help in ministering to these struggling believers. We were able to offer the comfort of soap and vaseline to 120 families. The remaining funds contributed towards shoes for the children. We were able to partner with two other families in providing footwear for little ones who had dilapidated shoes or no shoes at all. About seventy kids got new sneakers or sandals and fifty more pairs will be distributed this week.
At right, friends and I sort shoes.
Trying on some sneakers for size...
and they are a fit!
On the Wednesday before Christmas, we accompanied John
Njane to Old Kijabe Town, where Jim gave a devotional, and we helped distribute food baskets and shoes to destitute widows and their dependent children and grandchildren. John leads out in providing baskets of food to supplement the needs of these families in crisis. It is his passion to prevent these children becoming street kids. John and his wife desire to begin a school where these kids can learn saleable skills and to provide shelter for them. John, a graduate of university, has studied to provide vocational education. His wife is a trained beautician. Pray for this young couple as they seek to stand in a critical gap.
Distributing food
Distributing food
that will enable these families to enjoy a simple Christmas meal of stew and bread and a week or so of other meals as well.
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